The Forever Kid, a book review


Title: The Forever Kid
by: Elizabeth Mary Cummings
illustrated by: Cheri Hughes
Publisher: Big Sky Publishing

It’s Johnny’s birthday but he is no longer here. His family still gathers and lovingly celebrate. By continuing Johnny’s favourite party traditions and sharing special memories, the family feel a sense of closeness and comfort on this day of remembrance; Johnny, their Forever-Kid’s birthday.

Sometimes stories stop you in their tracks as we journey our busy, fast lifestyles, noticing nothing but the work tasks and activities in front of us. Some stories bring you back to reality, grounding you to cherish every moment with your grandparents, your parents, your siblings, your relatives, your partner, your friends, and your children. Some stories remind us that this life that has been gifted to us is finite. The Forever Kid, written by Elizabeth Mary Cummings, is that story.

Elizabeth gently welcomes us into Johnny’s family, and we meet his three siblings, Mother, Father, and Barker, the dog. The story is told from the point of view of Johnny’s brother, and the pages are filled with memories of Johnny, both happy and sad, carefree, and with some brotherly guilt at times. But most of all, the story is filled with love.

Illustrator, Cherie Hughes, has depicted the story of loss with tenderness, capturing the grief of Johnny’s family, and their memories of treasured moments.

The Forever Kid is a beautifully illustrated story that celebrates life, while sensitively dealing with loss, with a gentle weaving of memories by enacting Johnny’s favourite things on his birthday, filling the pages with his presence. Although confronting a terribly difficult topic of the loss of a child and sibling, The Forever Kid leaves the reader with an overwhelming feeling of love and hope, and the celebrated family traditions ensure Johnny will never be forgotten.

Purchase a copy: The Forever Kid

Title: The Forever Kid
by: Elizabeth Mary Cummings
illustrated by: Cheri Hughes
Publisher: Big Sky Publishing
ISBN: 9781925675382
Category: children’s
Pages: 32

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Reviewed by Julieann Wallace
(Dip T, B. Ed, Author, Illustrator, Tea Ninja, Cadbury Chocolate Annihilator)

Julieann is a published author and illustrator who is continually inspired by the gift of imagination and the power of words. When she is not disappearing into her imaginary worlds as Julieann Wallace – children’s author, or as Amelia Grace – YA and fiction novelist, she is working as an editor, book designer, and book magician for other authors. Julieann is a self-confessed tea ninja and Cadbury Chocoholic, has a passion for music and art, and tries not to scare off her cat, Claude Monet, with her terrible cello playing.

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Finn’s Feather, a book review


Title: Finn’s Feather
by: Rachel Noble
illustrated by: Zoey Abbott
Publisher: Enchanted Lion Books

Finn discovers an amazing white feather right on his doorstep.
Could it be from his brother Hamish who is now an angel?

Finn’s Feather is a rare book. It’s a book of acceptance, of understanding, of remembering, of healing, of love – a love that never vanishes; a love that cannot be contained by time or place.

Author, Rachel Noble, has penned a picture book that reaches out a hand to hold on to others as they walk the path of the loss of a child, not only for siblings, but also for parents. Rachel was inspired to write Finn’s Feather after the loss of her son, Hamish, in 2012. Shortly after the story took shape, she found a feather on her doorstep.

The story is told gently through the eyes of a child, Finn, who believes his brother left the feather on the doorstep. At first, the reader is unaware that Finn’s brother, Hamish, is no longer on the earth. He could be away or living elsewhere. It is only when a discussion between Finn and his friend takes place and the word ‘angel’ is used, that you reach a deeper understanding of the story.

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Artist, Zoey Abbott, has recreated the mood and emotion of each scene of the story intuitively with compassion. The use of coloured pencil and watercolour washes make a more real-life connection to the heart of the story than the use of digital illustration would have.

Finn’s Feather is not just for children. It’s for everyone. It’s a tool to open up discussion about the sometimes, taboo subject of death. It’s a tool to bridge emotional connections and understanding of those who have lost a loved one. And it’s a tool for remembrance, and a light in the darkness of grief. And quietly and gently, it’s also a celebration of a life.

Purchase a copy: Finn’s Feather by Rachel Noble

Title: Finn’s Feather
by: Rachel Noble
illustrated by: Zoey Abbott
Publisher: Enchanted Lion Books
ISBN: 9781592702749
Category: 4 years +
Pages: 56

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Reviewed by Julieann Wallace
(Dip T, B. Ed, Author, Illustrator, Tea Ninja, Cadbury Chocolate Annihilator)

Julieann is a member of:


The FIX-It Man – a book review

The FIX-IT Man
Book Review




Title: The FIX-IT Man
Author:  Dimity Powell
Illustrator: Nicky Johnston
Publisher: EK Books



When things break, who do you get to fix them?
The Fix-It Man of course!
It’s handy having a dad who can fix just about anything. But what happen to broken hearts when sticky tape and super glue are not enough?
Together, a young girl and her father face grief and heartache, and discover that love can sometimes be the best glue of all.

The Fix-It Man book trailer:

We all have things that need fixing. But there are some things that can’t be fixed, like terminal illness. Death is often a subject left unspoken. And even more so when it is the loss of a parent for a young child or teenager. Author, Dimity Powell, has written a poignant story that weaves the themes of love and loss in a gentle and sensitive way.

Grief comes in many forms but the glue that holds everyone together is love. And that is what the father and daughter  have to help each other through the passing of the wife and mother. In the first half of the book, the father is busy fixing things, and he can fix anything – except illness. In the midst of despair after the loss of life, the daughter is the one who reaches out to her father.

The FIX-IT Man is a book of understanding and acceptance of emotions in the grieving process. This book portrays that together, people can reach out and journey through the grief with one another.

Illustrator, Nicky Johnston, has captured the tone and expressions of the characters in the story with perfection. Even the broken household items reflect the breaking of hearts as the terminal illness of the mother takes hold. The grey textless page of loss speaks volumes, and has an unspoken understanding with the gentleness that is required.

The FIX-IT Man is not just for kids. It’s for grown-ups too – I believe it reaches out to two, even three generations in the cycle of life, whispering the roles of helping each other through difficult times.

Purchase a copy:

Author, Dimity Powell
Illustrator, Nicky Johnston

Title: The Fix-It Man
Author: Dimity Powell
Illustrator: Nicky Johnston
Age Range: 5 – 8 years
Grade Level: Preschool – 3
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: EK Books (March 1, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1925335348
ISBN-13: 978-1925335347

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Reviewed by Julieann Wallace
(Dip T, B. Ed, author, illustrator, editor, tea ninja & Cadbury chocolate annihilator)

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